The Cultural, Affective, and Relational Empowerment Research Group (CARE Lab) is a counseling psychology research group at Auburn University directed by Dr. Marilyn Cornish (our team previously used the name Positive Relationships and Effective Interventions Lab [PREI Lab]). Other members of the CARE Lab range from undergraduate counseling minor students to doctoral students in counseling psychology. We also collaborate with other psychology and healthcare research groups on campus and elsewhere. A core interest in the lab is the promotion of multicultural, emotional, and relationship wellbeing. We also research factors that make these forms of empowerment more difficult to achieve. In our research, we engage with a variety of populations in multiple settings (e.g., counseling, higher education, supervision, healthcare).

Current Projects
Disrupt MS Study
Funded by a multi-year grant from the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation, DisruptMS is a collaboration with Auburn’s Counseling Psychology TEAM Lab (PI: Evelyn Hunter) and with researchers at University of Alabama at Birmingham and Emory University. Using mixed-methods, we are examining the lived experiences of Black adults living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Using a participatory action framework, we will co-construct a psychological intervention designed to reduce racial health disparities.
VCOM Pain Free Research Clinic
Dr. Cornish is a member of the MERCI (Medical Education and Research in Compassionate Integration/Intervention) Pain Collaborative, which has opened a trauma-informed no-cost research clinic for chronic pain at the Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. In addition to providing no-cost pain interventions, we are researching the influence of prior trauma and patient choice in treatment planning for chronic pain.
Self-Forgiveness and Culture in Therapy
Using a racially diverse sample, we are examining the degree of cultural responsiveness of a self-forgiveness counseling intervention developed by Dr. Cornish, Healing the Past through Self-Forgiveness. This project is being facilitated through the Network Community Counseling Lab at Iowa State University (PI: Nathaniel Wade).
Trait Responses to Interpersonal Offenses Scale (TRIOS) Development
In collaboration with Lydia Woodyatt and Michael Wenzel at Flinders University, Australia, this project is in the publication stage. Through four studies, we developed a new scale (TRIOS) to measure trait tendencies to respond in a self-condemning, self-exonerating, and/or self-forgiving way to interpersonal offenses (i.e., instances of others being hurt or offended by one’s actions or inactions). Contact Dr. Cornish directly if you would like access to this measure for research purposes.
AU Couples Study
In the publication stage, this project examined romantic relationship functioning using a dyadic approach. In part, we looked at the impact of one partner’s self-forgiveness on relationship outcomes for themself and for their partner. This is one of the first studies to show that self-forgiveness is helpful not just for personal wellbeing but also for relationship wellbeing.
Active Student Dissertations
Students advised by Dr. Cornish develop a dissertation study on a topic of interest to them and within the realm of cultural, affective, and/or relational empowerment (broadly defined). Current dissertation projects of CARE Lab members include:
- LaVarius Harris: Racial Identity Alignment and Sense of Belonging: Implications for Psychological Well-Being and Imposter Phenomenon in Response to Race-based Stress
- Kaylee Short: Understanding Ambiguous Loss in the Context of Childhood Trauma: Examining the Role of Forgiveness
- Jessica Townsdin: Sexual Assault as a Potentially Morally Injurious Event: The Role of Religiosity in Post-Assault Outcomes
Recently Completed Projects
* indicates student at the time research was conducted and/or published.
Cornish, M. A., *Grey, C., *Rossi, C., *Dyas, K. C., *Horton, A. J., & *Saha, A. (2024). Adult attachment and personal and romantic relationship wellbeing: Forgiveness of self and partner as mediators. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.
Carroll, T., Cornish, M., Marie, L., Fadoir, N., Kim, E., Taylor, S., Borgogna, N., & Currier, J. M. (2024). Understanding self-forgiveness in emotion-focused therapy: An interpersonal recall study with men in recovery from addiction. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication.
*Word, M., Cornish, M. A., *Coleman, K., & *Grey, C. (2023). How does the general public define self-forgiveness? Examination in a college student sample. Current Psychology, 42, 9769-9779.
*Coleman-Kirumba, L. M., Cornish, M. A., *Horton, A. J., & *Alvarez, J. C. (2022). Experiences of Black men: Forms of masculinity and effects on psychological help-seeking variables. Journal of Black Psychology, 49(1), 32-57.
Cornish, M. A., Meyer, J., *Short, K., *Harris, L., Hunter, E., & *Quadlander, E. (2022). Forgiveness and wellbeing after spinal cord injury: Perceived stress and adaptation to disability as mediators. Rehabilitation Psychology, 67(4), 556-566.
*Ballester, E., Cornish, M. A., & *Hanks, M. A. (2021). Predicting relationship satisfaction in LGBQ+ people using internalized stigma, outness, and concealment. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 17(4), 356-370.
Brenner, R. E., Cornish, M. A., Heath, P. J., Lannin, D. G., & Losby, M. M. (2020). Seeking help despite the stigma: Experiential avoidance as a moderated mediator. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 132-140.
Cornish, M. A., Griffin, B. G., & *Morris, G. W. (2020). Promotion of self-forgiveness. In E. L. Worthington, Jr., & N. G. Wade (Eds.), Handbook of Forgiveness (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Cornish, M. A., Guyll, M., Wade, N. G., Lannin, D. G., Madon, S., & *Chason, K. C. (2020). Does empathy necessarily lead to greater forgiveness? An experimental examination. Current Psychology, 39, 1001-1011.
Cornish, M. A., *Hanks, M. A., & *Gubash Black, S. M. (2020). Self-forgiving processes in therapy for romantic relationship infidelity: An evidence-based case study. Psychotherapy, 5, 352–365.
Onody, A. P., Woodyatt, L., Wenzel, L., Cibich, M., Sheldon, A., & Cornish, M. A. (2020). Humility and its relationship to self-condemnation, defensiveness and self-forgiveness following interpersonal transgressions. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 48, 118-130.
Tucker, J. R., Wade, N. G., Abraham, W. T., Bitman-Heinrichs, R. L., Cornish, M. A., & Post, B. C. (2020). Modeling cohesion change in group counseling: The role of client characteristics, group variables, and leader behaviors. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 371–385.
* indicates student at the time of the presentation.
Cornish, M. A., Cooper Bhatia, J., *Hanks, M. A., Hunter, E. A., & *Coleman-Kirumba, L. (2023, August). Racial-ethnic events in group counseling: Qualitative examination of experiences of clients of Color. Poster presented at the 131st annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
*Short, K., Sherman, H., Cornish, M. A., & Lucier-Greer, M. (2023, August). What’s the sitch?: An examination of situational forgiveness, religion/spirituality, & moral injury. Poster presented at the 131st annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
*Alvarez, J., McCabe, B. E., & Cornish, M. A. (2022, August). Psychocultural factors and stigma in minoritized populations: How to increase treatment seeking. Poster presented at the 130th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
*Short, K., Meyer, J., & Cornish, M. A. (2022, August). Conceptualizing connections between ambiguous loss, adverse childhood experiences, and forgiveness. Poster presented at the 130th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
*Short, K., & Cornish, M. A. (2021, August). Conceptualizing situational forgiveness with spinal cord injuries. Poster presented at the 129th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, virtual conference.
*Coleman, L. *Horton, A, & Cornish, M. A. (2020, August). Exploring the effects of Black masculinity on psychological help-seeking attitudes. Poster presented at the 128th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
*Horton, A. J., *Coleman, L., & Cornish, M. A. (2020, August). The role of empathy and resilience in collective and competitive victimization. Poster accepted for presentation at the 128th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
*Ballester, E., *Hanks, M. A., Cornish, M. A., & Jones, A. (2020, August). Internalized homophobia, outness, and concealment: Predicting relationship satisfaction in LGBQ+ people. Poster presented at the 128th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Dissertations completed by CARE Lab (formerly PREI Lab) members under the direction of Dr. Cornish include:
- LaJae Coleman-Kirumba (2024): Breaking the Chains of White Supremacy: Examining the Psychological Effects of Skin-Tone Discrimination among African Americans in the United States (9431)
- Cassandra Grey (2024): Are you Satisfied? A Look at How Adult Attachment Style and Perfectionism Influence Romantic Relationship Satisfaction (9473)
- Aleah Horton (2023): Cultural Competence and Intergroup Relations: Exploring Collective and Competitive Victim Beliefs in the U.S. (9040)
- Melisa Martinez (2023): Social Aspects of Religiosity & Discrimination in the Latinx Community: A Qualitative Study in the Deep South (8974)
- Christine Dyas (2022): Attachment Anxiety as a Moderator for the Relationship between Maternal Influence and Body Image Dissatisfaction among Women (7899)
- Mary Anne Messer (2022): Teaching Diversity: An Exploration of the Experience of Instructors Teaching Diversity Courses to Mental Health Professionals (7965)
- Graham Morris (2020): Mental Health Labels and Their Effects on Public Stigma among College Students (7368)
- Kayla Phillips (2020): The Association Between Race Based Traumatic Stress and Academic Self Efficacy as Moderated by Tailored Social Support in Black and African-American Students (7509)