Auburn University Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program
Updated September 30, 2024
Consistent with the American Psychological Association (APA) accreditation regulations, the following information is provided to inform the public and prospective applicants about the Auburn University Counseling Psychology PhD program. The program has been accredited by APA since 1988. Our last accreditation site-visit from APA occurred in 2017. We were awarded the maximum time allowable between site visits (10 years). Our next site visit will occur in 2027.
Program Disclosures

Time to Completion for All Students Entering the Program

Time to Completion Statement
Students who enter the PhD program with prior graduate coursework do have the opportunity to request substitution of prior coursework for some program course requirements. See our “Guidelines for Substitution of Prior Coursework” policy in the Counseling Psychology PhD Program Student Handbook. Time to completion is shorter on average for students who enter with a prior master’s degree in a related field, but the minimum time to completion for all students is 5 years (including the one-year pre-doctoral internship).
Program Costs

*All incoming students in the 2024-2025 cohort received a graduate assistantship that qualified them for a full tuition waiver. Applicants should consult the current Cost of Attendance webpage in the event they enroll without a qualifying assistantship. Tuition and an alternate fee structure are assessed to students who do not hold a graduate assistantship. This does not apply to any current students.
Internship Placement - Table 1

Internship Placement - Table 2



Licensure Statement
Almost all of our graduates do become licensed psychologists. Among the 45 alumni who graduated 3-10 years ago, 41 are licensed (91%). Some are currently pursuing licensure. Others entered positions that do not require licensure (e.g., industry, higher education administration).