Group Overview
The Physical Education Pedagogy Research Group’s specialty is the theory and practice of physical education. The the physical education/teacher education (P.E.T.E.) faculty members create and study physical education environments that help children achieve an active lifestyle that will continue throughout adulthood. P.E.T.E. is the intersection between sport and education.
- To produce doctoral graduates who have excellent teaching skills, outstanding research skills, practical experience, and publications.
- To promote quality research in physical education through the modeling of good practice.
- To work together as faculty and students in a collaborative effort to provide the most rewarding learning experience for both groups.

Research & Outreach
Students within our program have significant opportunities to conduct research in a number of settings. We offer:
Excellent access to schools; three of our GTA positions are school-based.
Faculty that are active in school and other physical activity settings and are continuously conducting instruction/research at these sites.
Access to significant funding opportunities through College and Graduate School support. These include:
Dissertation research funding.
Graduate student travel support.
Graduate student research symposia.
Access to library resources.
Our faculty members also provide outreach services to youth in the community, state, and even internationally.