
Classroom ecology studies focus on the classroom micro-system, seeking to describe and explain the interactions of students’ thoughts and behaviors with teachers’ management of academic goals and learning tasks.

The Physical Education Pedagogy Research Group’s specialty is the theory and practice of physical education. The the physical education/teacher education (P.E.T.E.) faculty members create and study physical education environments that help children achieve an active lifestyle that will continue throughout adulthood. P.E.T.E. is the intersection between sport and education.

Sport education is a curriculum and instruction model that provides authentic sport experiences for physical education students. Its key features derive from how sport is conducted in community and interschool contexts.

By definition, student designed games is a process used in physical education where students create, organize, implement, practice, and refine their own games within certain limits presented by the teacher.

Our mission is to help the United States Armed Forces maximize readiness through improved Warrior health and wellness, physical and technical performance, and equipment in order to fight and win in the 21st century battle space.

Last updated: 06/07/2023