Directory listing

Marilyn Cornish, Ph.D.
- Professor
- Director of Training, Counseling Psychology
Phone: 334-844-7601
Campus Mail: 2084 Haley Center
Office Location: 2068 Haley Center
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Academic Areas
Counseling Psychology
Short Bio
Dr. Marilyn Cornish is a core faculty member in the Counseling Psychology PhD program within the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling. Her research examines positive relationships and effective interventions. One aim of her research is to identify factors that enhance positive relationships with others and with ourselves. Another aim is to develop and test interventions that facilitate these outcomes.
Dr. Cornish has taught many of the courses in the counseling psychology doctoral curriculum. She particularly enjoys teaching applied courses that integrate educational material with clinical supervision, such as Group Counseling and Advanced Practicum.
Professional & Educational Experience
Dr. Cornish received her B.A. in Psychology and Community Sociology from Wartburg College. She received her graduate education at Iowa State University, where she earned an M.S. in Psychology, a Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. Dr. Cornish has worked as a faculty member at Auburn University since 2014, and currently serves as Director of Training for the counseling psychology PhD program. Her national professional service roles have included Domain Representative for the Society for Advancement of Psychotherapy (APA Division 29, 2019-2021) and Consulting Editor for Journal of Counseling Psychology (2016, 2020-current).
Research Interests
Psychotherapy process and outcome
Forgiveness and self-forgiveness interventions
Multiculturalism and social justice in group therapy and classroom education
Interventions to reduce stigma of seeking psychological help