Outreach and educational programs are a key component of the WRC Mission.
The Warrior Research Center works with tactical athletes and organizations to provide outreach and educational programs. WRC’s outreach programs fulfill Auburn University’s outreach mission as a land-grant institution.
WRC outreach efforts include research, education and program development efforts with Auburn City Police Department, Auburn City Fire Department, Auburn ROTC programs, Ft. Moore, and many other military organizations as well as presentations a local, regional and professional organizations (e.g. Auburn Rotary, National Athletic Training Association, American College of Sports Medicine, Alabama Fire Chiefs, AMSUS society of federal health professionals).
Educational programs include lectures and leadership professional development (LPDs) for military, academic, professional, and local groups. If you are interested in learning more and having us come speak to your organization, please contact Dr. JoEllen Sefton.

Tactical Athlete Summit
The Warrior Research Center's Tactical Athlete Summit is the intersection of health, technology, and innovation for our U.S. Armed Forces and Tactical Athletes. Tactical Athletes, business and industry, academia, and government come together to share novel ideas, discuss problems and solutions, and report key findings to optimize Tactical Athlete health, wellness and performance.
The two-day summit has been hosted by the Warrior Research Center since 2017. The summit consists of keynote speakers; oral, poster and panel presentations; and discussions concerning problems and solutions and research and actionable insights. Researchers and non-researchers, including military, police and fire, athletic trainers, strength and conditioning specialists, physical therapists, business/industry and government decision makers, as well as students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend.