Ph.D. in Administration of Supervision and Curriculum
Are you interested in curriculum leadership positions in K-12, college/university, and other organizational settings? Our doctoral program offers you an opportunity to learn about a wide range of issues related to curricula, instruction, and classroom/learning technology.
Our doctoral program does not lead to Alabama teacher/instructional leadership certification.
Doctoral students are admitted annually in the fall semester. Applicants should submit completed application packets before March 1 for fall admission, decisions within 30 days. Applications past the deadline will be considered if space allows or in consultation with program faculty.
Degree Overview
The Ph.D. program is flexible. You and your advisor work together to determine the best set of courses for you to take. The general distribution of coursework is as follows:
Doctoral Seminar – 6 HRS
Specialty / Core Courses – 24 HRS
These 21 hours are comprised of Educational Leadership courses.
Supporting Courses – 9 HRS
These courses tend to be distributed across Adult Education, Educational Media/Tech, Educational Foundations, and Educational Psychology courses.
Research Methods – 15 HRS
There are 9 required hours with the remaining 6 hours left to you to determine in consultation with your advisor.
Dissertation – 10 HRS
You must complete at least 10 hours of dissertation. Then, you must successfully defend the dissertation to a committee of the faculty that you and your advisor have agreed upon.
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