Our specialist degree program prepares you for leadership roles in grades K-12. Graduates learn to be school leaders/scholars through the applied study of theoretical and empirical literature on the science of organizations and the current and emerging art and craft of leadership. Individuals who complete the specialist program are eligible to be recommended for Class AA professional educator certification in instructional leadership.
Ed.S. students are admitted are admitted on a rolling basis each semester.
Degree Overview
Instructional Support Courses — 27-28 hours
Theory & Development of Organizations
Leadership in Finance & Management
Leadership in the Development and Application of Curriculum & Theory Design
Ethics for Leaders
Trends and Issues
Program Implementation
Personal & Professional Development
Project Analysis
Practicum (if needed to meet state regulations)
Additional Coursework — 27-28 hours
Advanced Survey of Exceptionality (required if not previously taken)
Other Approved Courses
View all course requirements

Ellen Hahn, Program Coordinator
Administrative Certification
Effective for candidates unconditionally admitted July 1, 2017 and after, a minimum GPA of 3.5 will be required on all courses used to meet specialist-level certification program requirements.
Contact the certification officer when you are ready to apply for administrative certification.