Directory listing

Sheri Thornburg-Brock, Ph.D.
- Professor
- Graduate Program Officer - Physical Education/Teacher Education
- Academic Advisor - Physical Education/Teacher Education Alternative Masters Program
Phone: 334-844-1464
Campus Mail: 301 Wire Road, Auburn University, Alabama 36849
Office Location: 172 Kinesiology
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Academic Areas
Physical Therapy
Short Bio
Dr. Sheri J. Brock is an Associate Professor of Physical Education/Teacher Education in the School of Kinesiology at Auburn University. Dr. Brock is a native of Florida and completed her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Troy University. She taught K-12 Physical Education and coached high school volleyball and basketball before obtaining her Ph.D. at the University of Alabama. Dr. Brock was an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York (SUNY), College at Brockport before arriving at Auburn University in 2002. She has received numerous teaching awards and has over 100 publications and national and international presentations.
Professional & Educational Experience
- 2002 Doctorate of Philosophy, University of Alabama
Major: Pedagogy - Health & Human Performance;
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Educational Psychology - 1995 Master of Science, Troy State University
- 1993 Bachelor of Science, Troy State University
- 2008-present Associate Professor
School of Kinesiology, Auburn University - 2011-present Academic Advisor, Physical Education/Teacher Education Alternative
Master’s Program, School of Kinesiology, Auburn University - 2020-present Graduate Program Officer, Physical Education/Teacher Education
School of Kinesiology, Auburn University - 2014-2019 Physical Activity & Wellness Program Coordinator; Instructional Supervisor of
Graduate Teaching Assistants/Contract Instructors
School of Kinesiology, Auburn University - 2002-2008 Assistant Professor
Department of Health & Human Performance, Auburn University - 2000-2002 Instructor/Assistant Professor, Physical Education & Sport; Teacher
Certification Program Member; Academic Advisor; Clinical Experience
Coordinator; Physical Education and Sport Major’s Club Sponsor
Physical Education & Sport Department, State University of New York,
College at Brockport - 1997-2000 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant
Department of Health & Human Performance Studies, University of Alabama
Research Interests
Social interactions during physical education group work to promote participation, positive experiences, and equitable practices through effective instruction.
Effective instruction and program delivery in College and University Instructional Physical Activity Programs (CUIPAP).