Directory listing

Mary Rudisill, Ph.D.
- Director, School of Kinesiology
- Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor
Phone: 334-844-1458
Campus Mail: 301 Wire Road, School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849
Office Location: 224 Kinesiology Building
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Department Heads
School of Kinesiology
Academic Areas
Physical Activity and Health
Short Bio
Dr. Rudisill is the director of a research program designed to investigate model physical play programs for young children. Her primary research objectives have been to learn more about what motivates children to learn to move and engage in physical activity. Over the past 30+ years, she has advanced from studying this topic in laboratories to intervening in naturalistic settings. This research has led to the development of field-tested motor interventions that are based on achievement goal theory. She has published 6 books, 20 book chapters, and over 100 papers related to this research topic, and is internationally recognized for her work in early childhood motor development.
Professional & Educational Experience
- Florida State University Ph.D. Movement Science Education 1985
Emphasis: Motor Behavior - Appalachian State University M.A. Physical Education 1982
Emphasis: Sport Psychology - Appalachian State University B.S. Physical and Health Education 1981
Professional Experience
- Auburn University Director of School August 2013 - Present
- Auburn University Head January 2005 – July 2013
- Auburn University Professor September 1999 – present
- Auburn University Associate Professor September 1996 - August 1999
- University of Houston Associate Professor May 1991 - August 1996
- University of Houston Assistant Professor September 1986 - May 1991
- University of North Dakota Assistant Professor August 1985 - May 1986
Research Interests
Mastery Motivational Climates
Motor Skill Learning
Physical Activity Engagement in Young Children