Directory listing

Danielle Wadsworth

Danielle Wadsworth, Ph.D.

  • Professor
  • Director, Exercise Adherence Laboratory

Phone: 334-844-1836
Campus Mail: 301 Wire Road Auburn, AL 36849
Office Location: 165 Kinesiology Building
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Academic Areas

Fitness, Conditioning and Performance

Short Bio

Dr. Danielle D. Wadsworth, Ph.D., FACSM is a professor at Auburn University in the School of Kinesiology and Director of the Exercise Adherence and Obesity prevention laboratory. Her scholarship focuses on understanding the psychological, social, environmental, and behavioral underpinnings of long-term exercise behavior across the lifespan and translating these findings to effective evidence-based interventions. Dr. Wadsworth collaborates with schools, worksites and community agencies to understand the complex interplay between the individual and the interpersonal, organizational, community and policy factors that may impact behavioral and health outcomes.

Professional & Educational Experience

2005 Doctor of Philosophy University of Mississippi Health, Exercise Science & Recreation Management Major Area: Exercise Behavior Supporting Area: Research Methods and Statistics Dissertation: Evaluation of a Social Cognitive Theory based e-mail intervention to increase exercise behavior of college females 1999 Master of Science Baylor University Health, Human Performance and Recreation Major: Exercise Physiology Thesis: The use of the Transtheoretical Model in exercise behavior of college students 1997 Bachelor of Science Lenoir-Rhyne College (University) Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major: Sports Medicine

Research Interests

  • Exercise Psychology

  • Exercise Behavior

  • Exercise Habit Formation

  • Exercise Interventions for early childhood

  • Exercise Interventions for women

  • Exercise Interventions for families

  • Yoga exercise interventions