Directory listing

Victoria Sanchez

Victoria Sanchez, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor

Phone: 334-844-7675
Campus Mail: 2084 Haley Center
Office Location: 1234C Haley Center
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Academic Areas

Special Education

Short Bio

Dr. Victoria Sanchez is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling. Her research focuses on improving the reading achievement of students who are at risk for or have learning disabilities. In particular, Dr. Sanchez studies effective instructional strategies and interventions to support the decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension skills of adolescent students with disabilities and the implementation of these strategies in the classroom. At Auburn University, Dr. Sanchez teaches courses related to the diversity and exceptionality of learners and literacy methods.


Professional & Educational Experience

Dr. Sanchez received her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of California, Riverside. She has worked as an educational researcher on multiple quasi-experimental and experimental research studies funded through the Institute of Education Sciences and the Office of Special Education Programs. Dr. Sanchez has published articles in peer-reviewed journals including, Exceptional Children, Journal of Learning Disabilities, and Remedial and Special Education and has book chapters in the Handbook of Special Education and Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities. She has taught students at risk for or with learning disabilities as a reading interventionist and as a middle school special education teacher in Southern California. Additionally, Dr. Sanchez has served as a literacy coach to multiple schools supporting administrators and teachers in improving schoolwide literacy practices.


Research Interests

  • Evidence-based literacy practices

  • Design and delivery of multicomponent reading interventions

  • Multitiered systems of support

  • Learning disabilities