Directory listing

Erika Rucker

Erika Rucker, MPA

  • Administrator III, Academic Programs
  • 21st CCLC Program Coordinator

Phone: 334-844-5781
Campus Mail: 1463 Haley Center
Office Location: 1464 Haley Center

Academic Areas

Administration of Supervision and Curriculum

Short Bio

Erika Rucker is the 21st CCLC Program Coordinator at Truman Pierce Institute at Auburn University. She has worked with the 21st CCLC program over 15 years. At the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, she began the Alabama Afterschool Task Force, holding bi-weekly Zoom calls to help afterschool professional survive the pandemic effects on Afterschool. Erika still plays an active role as an Afterschool Ambassador Emeritus with the Afterschool Alliance. Rucker serves on many boards and committees including, National Afterschool Association Board of Directors, Alabama Community Education Association Past President, and Jefferson State Community College Child Development Advisory Committee. Erika believes in quality afterschool and is committed to providing all students the opportunity to participate in afterschool.

Areas of Responsibility

  • 21st Century Community Learning Center
  • Afterschool
  • Out of School Time
  • Summer Camp