Directory listing

Lauren Ozment

Lauren Ozment

  • Instruction Coordinator, Advanced Program Employment

Phone: 334-887-7624
Campus Mail: 282 W Thach Concourse, Ste 136
Office Location: Foy 136-C
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Academic Areas

Special Education

Short Bio

Lauren Ozment, M.Ed. is the Advanced Program Employment Coordinator for the EAGLES Program at Auburn University. Ozment, a former special education teacher at Auburn High School and a Master's graduate of the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling at Auburn University, now uses her passion of connecting individuals with disabilities to meaningful employment by supporting students within the EAGLES program secure job placements that align to their career interests. In her role with EAGLES, Ozment has launched a new initiative called Expanding EAGLES to help form community connections and conversations within the Auburn community. Ozment feels as though this profession is a calling and enjoys playing a small role in helping the individuals she serves with reaching their employment goals and aspirations.