Directory listing

Jill Meyer, LCPC, CRC, Ph.D.
- Professor and Director of Counselor Education
- Director of Forensic Rehabilitation
Phone: 334-844-2109
Campus Mail: 2084 Haley Center
Office Location: HC 2004
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Academic Areas
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
Counselor Education
Short Bio
Dr. Jill Meyer is a Professor in the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling at Auburn University. Her research examines the process of coping and adaptation and identity, as these constructs relate to the psychosocial experiences of individuals with chronic illness and disability. She is also interested in emerging adulthood, psychological well-being, disability identity and perceived disability of, and adaptation to acquired chronic conditions. Her publications have appeared in the Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, the Journal of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Psychology. Her courses have included Rehabilitation Counseling Skills, Vocational Assessment, Research Design, Research Practicum, and Medical Aspects of Disability. Dr. Meyer is the PI on two large federal RSA Training grants. Dr. Meyer received her MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Illinois, and her PhD in Counseling Education and Supervision from the University of Missouri – St. Louis.
Research Interests
Chronic Illness & Disability
Coping and adaptation related to disability
Emerging Adulthood related to disability
Quality of Life related to disability