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Margaret Flores, Ph.D.
- Professor
- Special Education Program Director
- Special Education Doctoral Program Coordinator
Phone: 334-844-2107
Campus Mail: 2084 Haley Center, Auburn University, AL 36849
Office Location: 1226 Haley Center
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Academic Areas
Special Education
Short Bio
Margaret Flores is a faculty member in the Special Education program area. She teaches courses related to academic and behavioral supports for students with disabilities. Her research includes academic interventions for students with disabilities and students who struggle. She taught special education in resource and self-contained settings prior to working in teacher-preparation.
Professional & Educational Experience
Dr. Flores earned a B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University. She earned her M.Ed. and teaching certification from Georgia State University. She taught in the Atlanta area prior to earning her Ph.D. from Georgia State University. She taught at the University of Texas at San Antonio prior joining the faculty at Auburn in 2008.
Research Interests
Mathematics interventions
Single case design