Directory listing

Carey Andrzejewski

Carey Andrzejewski, Ph.D.

  • Professor
  • Emily R. and Gerald S. Leischuck Endowed Professor for Educational Leadership

Phone: 334-844-3012
Campus Mail: 4036 Haley Center
Office Location: 4054 Haley Center

Academic Areas

Educational Psychology
Educational Research, Measurement, and Assessment
Foundations of Education

Short Bio

Trained at Ohio State University, Dr. Andrzejewski joined the Auburn faculty in 2008. As a critical scholar, she explores and facilitates the work of educators toward more socially just schools. This commitment is evident in all the domains of her professional work: service, outreach, research, and teaching. As an award-winning teacher, she works to nurture aspiring teachers and researchers toward humanizing, equitable, and ethical practices.

Professional & Educational Experience

  • 2008 Ph.D., Teacher Education Policy and Leadership, Cognates in Qualitative Research Methods and Movement Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
  • 2006 M.A., Educational Policy and Leadership, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
  • 2002 M.A., Dance and Related Arts, Texas Woman’s University, Denton.
  • 1999 B.S., Mathematics and Dance, Berry College, Mount Berry, Georgia.

Other Training

  • Summer 2021 CCTS, Research Mentorship Certificate, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
  • Summer 2018 Transforming Teacher Education, Summer Institute, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA.
  • Summer 2016 LINKS Center Summer Workshop on Social Network Analysis, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
  • Summer 2015 LINKS Center Summer Workshop on Social Network Analysis, University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Academic Positions

  • August 2020 – present Professor
  • May 2020 – present Consultant, Office of Research Compliance, Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development
  • August 2013 – August 2020 Associate Professor,
  • Summer 2009 Visiting Professor, Department of Dance, School of the Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Woman’s University
  • August 2008 – August 2013 Assistant Professor

Research Interests

  • School discipline

  • Antiracist education

  • Qualitative, mixed, and participatory research methods

  • Responsible conduct of research and research integrity