
Our doctoral program prepares you for careers in teaching, administration, extension service, and training. We also prepare you for development positions in public and private education, business/industry, and government agencies. We build upon the knowledge of your previous experiences and studies. With this degree, you can assume leadership roles, manage programs, and teach in a variety of settings.

Ph.D. programs are not part of the Auburn University approved Educator Preparation Programs. The state of Alabama does not have certification/license at this level and therefore this degree is not eligible for reciprocity in other states

Degree Overview

Coursework — 80 hours minimum

  • 6000-8999 level courses (foundational courses and courses in your area(s) of specialization)

  • Exact programs of study are developed with your chair and faculty committee.

  • Masters or other graduate work may count toward total degree hours, as approved by your committee.

Research — 10

  • Work with your major professor to choose a research topic

  • Complete 10 semester hours of  research and dissertation

View all course requirements


Christopher Clemons
Associate Professor, Agriscience Education
James Lindner
Alumni Professor, Agriscience Education
Jason McKibben
Assistant Professor, Agriscience Education

Leane Skinner
Professor, Business & Marketing Education
Elisha Wohleb
Clinical Professor, Business & Marketing Education

Ready to join the Auburn Family?

Visit Auburn’s Graduate School homepage for checklists, resources, valuable graduate student information and to begin your application. Please contact department faculty listed above with program-specific questions.

Last updated: 11/10/2023